My first post to family and friends about CRPS

Originally posted 1 November 2019

You’ve heard about Movember, but have you heard about Nervember? 

Nervember is about creating awareness of conditions that cause nerve pain. One of those conditions is CRPS – Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, also known as the suicide disease, which should tell you most of what you need to know about it. 

I haven’t said much about this before, but I have had CRPS for 2 years. It has completely changed my life. It’s difficult to imagine the impact chronic pain can have until you’ve lived it. The biggest lesson I’ve learned from it so far is to try much harder not to judge people. 

When I cried all the way home in a taxi because I couldn’t keep up with my colleagues walking in the city, I’m sure I was judged. 

When I couldn’t muster a smile for weeks because I couldn’t get control of the pain, I’m sure I was judged.  

When I stopped going out at night because that’s when the burning is the worst, I’m sure I was judged. 

Unfortunately, I know I’ve been guilty of judging others in the past, not knowing their stories. We can all be kinder. If you are interested in learning more about CRPS, or Nervember, have a look here – 

PS – don’t be sad for me. I have the most amazing and supportive family and friends. 

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