Originally posted 17 April 2019

Big News! My new GP prescribed CBD oil for me. I’m on week 4 of the LDN, and still have pain that’s hard to deal with sometimes, so I wanted something for emergencies. It’s on order, so I guess I’ll get it tomorrow. Has anyone here encountered Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? The hypermobility type? I’d never heard of it before, but my GP seems to think I have it. 

So many TLA’s

So many three letter acronyms! CBD is cannabidiol. It is the non-psychoactive part of the cannabis plant. As I mentioned in a previous post, it is often referred to as part of the magic trio (LDN, THC/CBD and PEA). So this was me discovering part 2 of the magic trio.

Ehlers-Danlos is often referred to as EDS. EDS and CPRS sometimes go together. My GP suggested that I might have EDS but other than mild hypermobility, it doesn’t affect me. It was a pretty weird moment, honestly. My GP took my wrist and stroked it and said “you have very soft skin”. While I was trying to figure out where he was going with that, he then added “that’s one of the hallmarks of EDS”.

My husband was at the appointment with me, and we both had a little giggle about this afterwards.

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