Originally posted 26 March 2019
As per my post yesterday, I finally found someone to prescribe LDN for me. I found him on a list of LDN prescribers online, and he practises just down the road from me. First, I went to my GP, but he was completely unwilling because he has never prescribed Naltrexone, let alone LDN. He offered me amitryptiline instead. When I told him I was trying to stay away from this type of medication because of the side effects, he asked me if I’d ever read the side effects of paracetamol.
I didn’t need that from him at all. It was a ridiculously emotional day, absolutely every single little thing triggered me and sent me into massive sobbing fits. Gross.
So I went to this known LDN prescriber, and he was not only open to prescribing LDN, but also talked about CBD. Truthfully, he was a little bit too hippy dippy for me, but I appreciate his open-mindedness. He has actually tried LDN himself just to see what it’s like and said he had the most vivid dreams ever. Anyway, moving on to today, I emailed my script off to the compounding pharmacy on the North Shore, and then drove up there a couple of hours later to fetch it.
Can you even believe that I left my script at home, and so they couldn’t dispense it to me? And that it’s around a 45 min drive from where I live? Cue yet another sobbing fit. Gross. My husband, who has been so lovely and supportive, then drove us back home, we picked up the script and drove back to the pharmacy. After around 3 hours of driving, I now have LDN, safely at home. I’m in a lot of pain today, but I’m hopeful this will bring it under control soon. And also hopeful that this will bring an end to the uncontrollable sobbing. Gross. And that’s my story!
I think I used this throughout the post to try and inject some humour. The truth is I felt no humour at all. I was physically and emotionally drained, frustrated and in way too much pain.
I would like to formally apologise for calling my lovely GP hippy dippy. I mean, he is, but he is also wonderful. He has been supportive and helpful and he has been my GP since this awful time in my life. I honestly think he may have saved my life. I was in a very dark place. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the last time that I was so desperate and low.